Friends tHat sHe madE ^_^

Hey readers! Assalammualaikum to all my muslim readers. Welcome to my blog. Just something that I want to share with the world. Take the positive of me and help me to change any negetive things. Owh by the way.. nice to meet you guys/ girls.

Make NeW fRiends hEre!!

HeyHo! ANda di jeMpuT uNtuk meMeriahkAn ChaTbOx GOMO fm kaT bAwaH ni..
Nak cHating boLeyh, tapi :-

FiGhting aRe nOt aLoud!
MiNd yOur wOrds..
PleAse reSpecT oTher cHaters..
Do FolLow Me

Thursday, April 18, 2013


haha  tengah happy sangat2 ni! 
you know why?? 
mesti la tak tau kan.. meh az nak habak.. 

FiRst :-
this morning, my mom text me.. 
she told me that she received my parcel yesterday..

Hahaha! Pure Marine Collagen az dah sampai rumah, yeyey
cume empunye je yang tak sampai rumah lagi.. 
I won this in  GA Demam ABPH By Wana
So, sponser PMC ni kak Anis
she sell this PMC.. so those yang nak beli 
boleh terjah blog kak Anis.

Second :- 
A bit funny for this.. yesterday, 
Kak uzu ada update entry, 
az ada join segmen ni, so az terjah la.. 
check, sebabkan malas nak cari satu-2, az gune shortcut je
press f3 than I typed 'princ' terus pegi kat link no.29
check balik kat sini
Alaaa!! tak kene laa.. >dah macam main toto pulak<
hampe woo.. hummm mybe tak ada rezeki.. puyaii
so move on! put a smile on my face.. 

tadi before nak tidur az saje intai blog az guna hp ^_^, 
bukak shoutbox.. eh! kak uzu ade shout kat shoutbox az la..
17 Apr 13, 11:02 AM
emas putih: tahniah menang topup 
haaa!! az menang ke?? 
ape lagi! dengan gopoh nye, az beli internet RM2 >maxis<
bukak leppy, and terus terjah blog kak uzu.. 
az check balik dekat senarai peserta.. 
guna f3 jugak, but kali ni az type penuh sikit "princesaiziz" 
terus pegi kat link no.60, 
check balik kat senarai pemenang.. 
Wah!! no az kene hahaha! 
az menang topup RM5, boleh la kan dari tak dapat ape2.. 

So lepas ni, mybe az akan rajin join segmen hahaha 
kumpul hadiah banyak2 

THANK YOU to kak uzu and kak Anis  ^_^ 

p/s: ok boleh sambung tidur.. Oyasumi! nitee


  1. Wahh tahniah, boleh la belanja RM5 tu haha.
    By the way, hadiah first tu apa?
    I read mcm ada tulis sarang burung? o.o

    1. haha sure sure ^_^
      ummm yg first tu dy tulis sarang burung laut, actually that thing, seaweat.. erk btol ke az eja ni 0_o?
      rumpai laut yg dikutip di sabah haha, tgh popular bnde tu, eat that and your skin will be smooth.. for beauty and health

    2. Oh Seaweed ke? yg letak kt sushi tu kan?
      tak tahu dorg panggil sarang burung laut.

    3. mmmm not sure la seaweed yg buat sushi or bukan..
      xcukop research mngenai this thing..
      all I know that this thing helps me to get my beauty skin haha
      xbley bla punye ayt >_<

