Friends tHat sHe madE ^_^

Hey readers! Assalammualaikum to all my muslim readers. Welcome to my blog. Just something that I want to share with the world. Take the positive of me and help me to change any negetive things. Owh by the way.. nice to meet you guys/ girls.

Make NeW fRiends hEre!!

HeyHo! ANda di jeMpuT uNtuk meMeriahkAn ChaTbOx GOMO fm kaT bAwaH ni..
Nak cHating boLeyh, tapi :-

FiGhting aRe nOt aLoud!
MiNd yOur wOrds..
PleAse reSpecT oTher cHaters..
Do FolLow Me

Monday, March 4, 2013

SYukran ya ziLan!! Jyeaaaaahhhh!!

Syukran syukran  SyuKran!!
 Proud on myself! should be! ofcoz.. 
Seronok sangat2 coz aq mampu baiki result last sem aq! 
SAy YAHOooooo!!
HasiL dari usaHa sendiRi tau serta bantuan kengkawan and pensyarah..


AN - Pengurusan Perniagaan
AE - Ekonomi
AA - Perakaunan
QA - Mathematic
WB - English 
Even reSuLt aq xde la SEPOWER orang lain..
But aq tetap bangge ngan diri sendri.. Ok lets congrate my self!!


>TePuk tanGan sikiT< *clap clap clap*
 YEeeAaaahhHH!! GooD jOb!
I got As' WooOohuuu!
 Now Make A wish Princess..  "I wish, I wish that these As' will stick with me until PSPM"

p/s : Meroyan + hyper kejap.. xde orang nk congrate aq kn, biaq aq congrate dri aq sendri..

Moral Of thE sTory is > Never lose hope.. There is no failure if we always do our best. There is failure if we only DO NOTHING! GET IT??  


  1. wow..result tu gempak la juga..heheh.. bagus. hehe..congrats.. ^^

    1. result mid sem je tuh.. Final sok xtau la cmne.. BTW thanx tau tau *peace*

  2. wahhhhhhhh hebatnya!!!tahniah sis!!!

    1. thanx sis ^_^ Ow ye, sis ni student matrik mane ek??

