Friends tHat sHe madE ^_^

Hey readers! Assalammualaikum to all my muslim readers. Welcome to my blog. Just something that I want to share with the world. Take the positive of me and help me to change any negetive things. Owh by the way.. nice to meet you guys/ girls.

Make NeW fRiends hEre!!

HeyHo! ANda di jeMpuT uNtuk meMeriahkAn ChaTbOx GOMO fm kaT bAwaH ni..
Nak cHating boLeyh, tapi :-

FiGhting aRe nOt aLoud!
MiNd yOur wOrds..
PleAse reSpecT oTher cHaters..
Do FolLow Me

Monday, September 30, 2013

September Giveaway By KasihLestariAbadi

hey guys! salam.. 
lama tak aktif dalam giveaway @ segmen, 
so malam ni az nak start aktif balik.
Memandangkan internet ade kan.. so boleh la kite berbloging ^_^

Okeyh! this is my first giveaway after berbulan2 menghilangkan diri.. 

so, korang nampak kan KLA cari berape ramai pemenang?? 
100 pemenang.. Wow! banyak!! prizes pon banyak wOOoWW~~
 seorang pemenang dari top referrel and the the rest RANDOM punye cabutan.. 

So jom la join, hahaha walaupon due date hari ni.. hopefully diterima la. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Life In Science Management Mathematic..

I'm back! Still alive and healthy.
Sorry coz last 4 month az tak update anything..
Busy with my work, a lot of stuff that I have to handle in the shop. ^_^ 

Ow ya! September 2013
officially I'm UiTM student..
Let the story begins.. 
